I’m Dr. David Mills. I have a PhD in Blowing things up with lasers, and now I work with X-rays.
This website has been around in one form or another since 2000-11-24, it’s gone from a page created in notepad, which was a pain to keep updated, to one based on Mediawiki which had great promise, but was also a pain to keep updated, it’s now based on Hugo with the Cupper theme and hosted & updated with a bunch of git magic. In theory, all I have do do now is type into a text editor on my computer and type a simple command and the site updates, this doesn’t sound too painful, but who knows…
This site languished for a while, because it was a pain to update (see above) and it was just too easy to post to Twitter (see below). I much prefer the idea of writing for my own site, and my own interest, so I’ve brought in new technology and giving it another try here.
My personal professional website is davidmills.doctor, this will have a bit more information about what I do for work and what I teach, etc.
I can be found on Twitter as @DTL, These days I’m on Mastodon.
I’m an avid photographer and long-time user of Flickr and I’m really trying to get back into posting photographs there after a bit of a hiatus.
I sometimes put videos about projects or things I’m teaching on Youtube, but making a video takes a lot longer to produce well than writing out words, so it’s one reason I’ve kept this website so long and am now updating it again.
If all that isn’t spreading myself too thinly, I also post to affable-lurking.